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CNA Prep Workshop
Introduction for Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA)
Impeccable Welcome
How Does the CNA Exam Work (11:26)
Indirect Skills
Where do CNA's Work (9:53)
21 Clinical Skills
Skills Categories (5:30)
Hand Washing
Measure and Record Respirations
Passive Range of Motion to Hip, Knee and Ankle
Passive Range of Motion to Shoulder
Range of Motion to the Elbow and Wrist
Ambulate Resident Using a Gait Belt
Feed a Resident Who is Sitting in Chair (Documentation Skill)
Hand and Nail Care
Provide Foot Care
Midway Through
Change a Residents Position to Side Lying
Assist the Resident with a Bedpan
Provide Mouth Care to Resident with Teeth
Provide Denture Care and Mouth Care
Transfer a Resident to a Wheelchair
Make a Occupied Bed
Dress a Resident with Weak Arm
Provide a Partial Bed Bath
Provide Perineal Care to an Incontinent Resident
Provide Catheter Care to a Resident
Measure and Record Contentsod a Urinary Drainage Bag (Documentation Skill)
Clinical Exam
Practice Exam 1
Practice Exam 2
Steps to Sign Up For State Exam
Follow these Steps
Level 2 Background Requirements
Animated Review Videos
13 Videos for Review
Provide Denture Care and Mouth Care
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